From the Capital of Cold
Hi everybody!
They say it's never too late, so HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I hope you all had really good holidays and are full of new energy to start with that freshly started year.
It's been quite a while since i last wrote, but quite a lot has happened meanwhile. Firstly, thanks for that lovely present. It arrived just a few days after the christmas day. Which kind of makes it even better, as we're not really into that christams thing and we took it as just a little nice present. I was wandering actually, if i sent you anything like that (obviously untreated foreign pieces of timber or any fauna really), would you recieve it or would it be in forbidden list as Australia is pretty pain in the... with all that kind of matter. I have couple of ideas for girls, but before even starting making anything i think i should really find out if it's possible to send it. About handcrafting - as you really soon find out, we've had the best winter you could wish for (and it's still going on <-- you must watch Red Dwarf to get that:), but still you spend lots of time inside, and therefore we've been doing lots of that. Actually we're kind of having this felting-fever in the house at moment. I got my donkey done and Liisi is working on her dragon. Which is going to have three heads by the way! And we tried to make those felted soaps and that worked out really fine as well. And my sister is making felt earrings and necklaces and all that sort of stuff. And lots and lots of boardgaming. Anyway, thanks a lot for your little lovely decorations (which are hanging on our window now). As i already wrote, we've had really good winter so far. At least some 50-70 cm of snow and constant cold. Sometimes even too cold. I consider -20 and below pretty cold already and we've had -31 point something already. Windows full of icecrystalpatterns and trees full of frost. And the snow makes this weirdly pleasant crunchy sound. I'm really in my heaven. Obviously we're spending lots of the precious little light hours outside. I remind you sun rises just a little after nine and sets already half past three. Which gives you only little bit more than six hours to have fun outside. And that we have really had.
It took me quite a while since i took my camera out when back home. But once out, it's been with me pretty much all the time. Sometimes driving around you just can not go without making a shooting stop.
Thats pretty much how everythind looks.. Everywhere. Some places have more snow and others even more than they perhaps wished for. I mean, don't understand me wrong, i LOVE snow, but it can also be pain, as your car might get stuck in it and then you have to dig it out. And every single day you have to work with your shovel for quite some time. But that only makes you stronger:)
And even a job like cleaning the roof of snow can be rewarding.
Of course when you clean up all your roads and footpaths you end up with so much snow and so little space to put it out of the way to. So we ended up piling it up in this big snowhill in the middle of our frontyard. By now, it's at least twice as big and i'm thinking about shaping it into some massive snowfigure. Funfunfun. Or maybe our very own mountain skiing slope:P
Just after arriving home in November it was all really dark, muddy, rainy and generally not very uplifting. And from day to day you saw only this massive gray thing hanging above your head outside. Just where the sky is supposed to be. All those cool shaped and colourful clouds and breathtaking sunsets. With first colds and snow it all changed. Sky is once again amazing and you can just forget yourself watching the sunsets. Until your toes and fingers and nose all get frosen and you have to go back inside, eat all that garlic, dring all that hot tea and have all those saunas. I think it couldn't get any better at moment.
And the part i love the most in winters. Even when you're so very frozen and stiff after half an hour on tracks i just love it. I'm actually going to Tartu Marathon, which is in mid Feb and goes for 63 km. Can't wait.
Liisi is not so much into skiiing as she loves skating so much more. Unfortunately i don't have any pictures of her skating at moment, so that'll have to wait.
Even the road to skitracks is so amazing that you can not leave your camera in the bag.
Few winters ago we used to be able to drive a car on that lake. Apparently not this year, for reasons unknown. The ice must be thick enough but i guess there have been accidents and they have forbidden it alltogether. But it would be so much fun and its rather safe to drive on those actually as you can't really drive out of the road... Simply because there is no road, only more ice. Maybe it's the snow. It must be. The snow is too deep to make proper tracks on the lake.
Although you can never know with the ice, because despite the cold weather we have had, the ice roads between mainland and islands are yet to be opened due to too thin ice.
Ice or not, you can't go anywhere, when the snow is deeper than about 20 cm or so. Your car would simply get stuck in the snow. Nor can you really walk in deep snow. So better make snowshovel your new best friend. Luckily it's not as hard, at least not for me, as i find shoveling snow somehow really pleasing job. Just like splitting firewood. They're both physically demanding jobs and yet so pleasurable.
Hmm. I can't even explain that one. You have to be there to understand it. It's almost like the snow is calling for you:).
Clear blue sky means it's going to be really cold at night.
So came the the new year. With best friends and reall champagne glasses.
Actually that's how it came, with big firework right under our noses.
I'm not really sure what they are called, but they're just lovely and they grow everywhere. And as far as i know, they're edible. I think. I'd rather not actually.
That one looks like little person with its little hands and funny head on fir(ry) body.
Last but not least... I'm not exactly sure, but at least -20 it was outside that night. Freezing. Weirdly enough, worst part about it is not jumping in the snow but later going back to sauna where the snow starts really rapidly melting on you and difference in the temperature (from -20 to +90) you feel pinching all over your body. And then burning. Kind of. It's really weird. And again pleasurable at the same time. That and garlic and lemon and honey, and you'll never get sick again.
So as you can see, we never feel bored. If only that winter lasts, because when all than snow starts melting, we're going to need a boat. Or at least really high gumboots.
Wow... it's way after midnight. Next time again. And i hope you get your webcam working really soon.
With love
mati. And Liisi too:)
They say it's never too late, so HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I hope you all had really good holidays and are full of new energy to start with that freshly started year.
It's been quite a while since i last wrote, but quite a lot has happened meanwhile. Firstly, thanks for that lovely present. It arrived just a few days after the christmas day. Which kind of makes it even better, as we're not really into that christams thing and we took it as just a little nice present. I was wandering actually, if i sent you anything like that (obviously untreated foreign pieces of timber or any fauna really), would you recieve it or would it be in forbidden list as Australia is pretty pain in the... with all that kind of matter. I have couple of ideas for girls, but before even starting making anything i think i should really find out if it's possible to send it. About handcrafting - as you really soon find out, we've had the best winter you could wish for (and it's still going on <-- you must watch Red Dwarf to get that:), but still you spend lots of time inside, and therefore we've been doing lots of that. Actually we're kind of having this felting-fever in the house at moment. I got my donkey done and Liisi is working on her dragon. Which is going to have three heads by the way! And we tried to make those felted soaps and that worked out really fine as well. And my sister is making felt earrings and necklaces and all that sort of stuff. And lots and lots of boardgaming. Anyway, thanks a lot for your little lovely decorations (which are hanging on our window now). As i already wrote, we've had really good winter so far. At least some 50-70 cm of snow and constant cold. Sometimes even too cold. I consider -20 and below pretty cold already and we've had -31 point something already. Windows full of icecrystalpatterns and trees full of frost. And the snow makes this weirdly pleasant crunchy sound. I'm really in my heaven. Obviously we're spending lots of the precious little light hours outside. I remind you sun rises just a little after nine and sets already half past three. Which gives you only little bit more than six hours to have fun outside. And that we have really had.
It took me quite a while since i took my camera out when back home. But once out, it's been with me pretty much all the time. Sometimes driving around you just can not go without making a shooting stop.
Thats pretty much how everythind looks.. Everywhere. Some places have more snow and others even more than they perhaps wished for. I mean, don't understand me wrong, i LOVE snow, but it can also be pain, as your car might get stuck in it and then you have to dig it out. And every single day you have to work with your shovel for quite some time. But that only makes you stronger:)
And even a job like cleaning the roof of snow can be rewarding.
Of course when you clean up all your roads and footpaths you end up with so much snow and so little space to put it out of the way to. So we ended up piling it up in this big snowhill in the middle of our frontyard. By now, it's at least twice as big and i'm thinking about shaping it into some massive snowfigure. Funfunfun. Or maybe our very own mountain skiing slope:P
Just after arriving home in November it was all really dark, muddy, rainy and generally not very uplifting. And from day to day you saw only this massive gray thing hanging above your head outside. Just where the sky is supposed to be. All those cool shaped and colourful clouds and breathtaking sunsets. With first colds and snow it all changed. Sky is once again amazing and you can just forget yourself watching the sunsets. Until your toes and fingers and nose all get frosen and you have to go back inside, eat all that garlic, dring all that hot tea and have all those saunas. I think it couldn't get any better at moment.
And the part i love the most in winters. Even when you're so very frozen and stiff after half an hour on tracks i just love it. I'm actually going to Tartu Marathon, which is in mid Feb and goes for 63 km. Can't wait.
Liisi is not so much into skiiing as she loves skating so much more. Unfortunately i don't have any pictures of her skating at moment, so that'll have to wait.
Even the road to skitracks is so amazing that you can not leave your camera in the bag.
Few winters ago we used to be able to drive a car on that lake. Apparently not this year, for reasons unknown. The ice must be thick enough but i guess there have been accidents and they have forbidden it alltogether. But it would be so much fun and its rather safe to drive on those actually as you can't really drive out of the road... Simply because there is no road, only more ice. Maybe it's the snow. It must be. The snow is too deep to make proper tracks on the lake.
Although you can never know with the ice, because despite the cold weather we have had, the ice roads between mainland and islands are yet to be opened due to too thin ice.
Ice or not, you can't go anywhere, when the snow is deeper than about 20 cm or so. Your car would simply get stuck in the snow. Nor can you really walk in deep snow. So better make snowshovel your new best friend. Luckily it's not as hard, at least not for me, as i find shoveling snow somehow really pleasing job. Just like splitting firewood. They're both physically demanding jobs and yet so pleasurable.
Hmm. I can't even explain that one. You have to be there to understand it. It's almost like the snow is calling for you:).
Clear blue sky means it's going to be really cold at night.
So came the the new year. With best friends and reall champagne glasses.
Actually that's how it came, with big firework right under our noses.
I'm not really sure what they are called, but they're just lovely and they grow everywhere. And as far as i know, they're edible. I think. I'd rather not actually.
That one looks like little person with its little hands and funny head on fir(ry) body.
Last but not least... I'm not exactly sure, but at least -20 it was outside that night. Freezing. Weirdly enough, worst part about it is not jumping in the snow but later going back to sauna where the snow starts really rapidly melting on you and difference in the temperature (from -20 to +90) you feel pinching all over your body. And then burning. Kind of. It's really weird. And again pleasurable at the same time. That and garlic and lemon and honey, and you'll never get sick again.
So as you can see, we never feel bored. If only that winter lasts, because when all than snow starts melting, we're going to need a boat. Or at least really high gumboots.
Wow... it's way after midnight. Next time again. And i hope you get your webcam working really soon.
With love
mati. And Liisi too:)
Sildid: omad joped